Nicely done, and a nice first 3d animation at that. Could use a bit more detail I guess and smoother facial animations. Nice work though, what did you use? Maya? 3DSmax?
Nicely done, and a nice first 3d animation at that. Could use a bit more detail I guess and smoother facial animations. Nice work though, what did you use? Maya? 3DSmax?
Thanks, i am using maya 2012.
This needs work ... like not making characters look like they have an epileptic seizure. Adding a more dynamic soundtrack could also help.
Pretty funny , can't understand most of what he said but I guess it's part of the funny :)
Nicely done. I guess you stuck to Krinkels type pretty well. Nice to see the theme being explored so much.
That was hilarious, I can relate to this, I always said dubstep sounds like a quarry on autotune, it's not just me then. Loved the wizard too "these aren't the drugs you're looking for". Way to stick Star Wars in there.
Thanks very much! :D
He's funny, deserves bigger episode, seems to me like he could be part of a bigger series.
Joined on 7/17/13